What it is: iRiver ChromeX iMP-150 CD/MP3 Player with 120-Second Anti-Skip
Where To Get It: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000669BN/ref%3Dnosim/bestcardcom-20/002-3681569-3058401
Price: $56.99, FREE Shipping
Note: This is an okay deal for this player; the only reason I would buy a differnt CD/MP3 Player is because I would go for the better version of the iRiver player. iRiver's CD/MP3 players are the best there is; their newest version (although quite pricy) is the bottomline best CD/MP3 player out now, and probably will be for a long time to come (even their second best model blows other CD/MP3 players out of the water).
I'll be back with more deals soon! Support me by signing the guestbook at my website: http://www.mastavic.com
-=MaStA ViC
Where To Get It: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000669BN/ref%3Dnosim/bestcardcom-20/002-3681569-3058401
Price: $56.99, FREE Shipping
Note: This is an okay deal for this player; the only reason I would buy a differnt CD/MP3 Player is because I would go for the better version of the iRiver player. iRiver's CD/MP3 players are the best there is; their newest version (although quite pricy) is the bottomline best CD/MP3 player out now, and probably will be for a long time to come (even their second best model blows other CD/MP3 players out of the water).
I'll be back with more deals soon! Support me by signing the guestbook at my website: http://www.mastavic.com
-=MaStA ViC