To this I must respond.. Then I'll leave again, lol.
Everyone knows my views on free speech. I support your right to say "Merry Christmas" to anyone and everyone. However, on the other side, all the people who arent Christian or simply dont celebrate xmas for whatever reason should be taken into consideration.
All the decorations in every store (and yes, I know, even many the stores owned by Jewish people probably do it too), the music on the radio all day every day, and the people who instinctively say "Merry Christmas!" to everyone meaning to be friendly can make the people who arent Christian or whose family doesnt participate in xmas feel unappreciated, unneeded, possibly unwanted, and maybe just 'left out' and none of those is a good feeling.
Personally I prefer Happy Holidays. Its all encompassing, and I can start saying it three days before Halloween, lol. But when someone says Merry Christmas to me I usually say it back, or at least say thanks.
MrsK, Im glad you made your post. I agree fully. But If I can use it to make an example that would be great, yeah (my best office space impression). Thats how I feel all the time about everything. I would like to point out that when I say things that not everyone agrees with its considered offensive and I get slapped with a gag order or a warning for it, even if I didnt say anything bad about anyone. But its perfectly okay for the guys posting here (and Im not saying that all the people posting have had a problem with my posts.. I know thats not the case) to say that they'll say it (and Im not quoting) to anyone. And alluding that, like you, if people dont like it thats too bad. So why is that okay, but its not okay for me to voice my opinion on something? I'll stop my little rant here, but I just wanted to point out how unfair it is that so many people here will report me for something they find offensive but then will turn around and basically say that theyll do exactly the thing that they report me for, because its a happy message. Its not for everyone.
This is not directed at anyone in particular. This is certainly not meant to call out MrsK. This is just simply to call attention to the unfairness that is sometimes overlooked. Please no one take offense of think that Im badmouthing you because Im not badmouthing anyone. Please understand this.