It's all fun and games until....

Shouda claimed he was a 'grower', not a 'shower'

More importantly, what kind of adolescent-minded morons do we have supposedly protecting us?

With apologies to morons.
Rather than attacking the moron, he would have been much better of suing for the emotional and psychological stress it caused him. He could have retired.
Rather than attacking the moron, he would have been much better of suing for the emotional and psychological stress it caused him. He could have retired.

My thoughts exactly. I guess that whole screener being isolated and never knowing who they are seeing thing is a big a load of b.s. Someone failed to ensure that guys privacy was protected. Sounds like an easy sexual harrasment lawsuit.

And yeah DanC. Ain't it great? Government employees in charge of our security. I saw a TSA screener with a turbin on his head the other day before I got on the plane... That was a great feeling. And before anyone wants to take me to task about that please think about the majority of attackers and there nationality/religion. I mean really, other than that jerk mcveigh and some of our fine presbos friends (bill ayers anyone?) most of these wipes would be more likely to wear a towel than a ballcap. Now I can't wait to see how well they will take care of my health. This should be epic.

Thanks for posting the funny and interesting story diGriz. Sorry about the almost off topic rant following your post. It is just soo sooo hard for me not to be plum ticked off. It didn't take me a year to get po'd so I guess is doing better (Better as far as patience goes, wink, wink.) than I am...
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The alleged victim of the attack apparently latched onto Negrin's package, and just wouldn't let go of it.

:yikes:.......that could be painful.....