Join the Hot Wheels VIP Club for Samples & More *Children Ages 6 - 9


Master League
Sep 24, 2006
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Join the Hot Wheels VIP Club for Samples & More *Children Ages 6 - 9

hot wheels - you must remove the spaces to form the URL. It is blacklisted as being a scam but I called and it is a valid website from Mattel, Inc. and I PM'd Spoofee to unblacklist the URL.

This club is looking for children ages 6 - 9 to test new products, share their opinions with Mattel and help spread the word about the awesome new Hot Wheels out on the market. As a member of this group, your son will receive free samples, exclusive offers and help direct this legendary brand.
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i just received this e-mail. hope we qualify!:star:

Thank you for applying to become a member of the Hot Wheels ® VIP Club. We are excited that you are a fan of Hot Wheels ® and want to be part of this special group. We will let you know within one week whether or not you qualify. Thank you!
Great find, my boys will love this Joyce!!
Mattel isn't interested in the female $?
Beware Hot Wheels VIP Club

I joined this a few weeks ago and while I was on a mom's website one of them stated that she was suspicious about all the personal questions they asked so she contacted Mattel and they advised her they have no VIP club and that their anniversary designs have already been completed. She stated they told her that they are investigating.

The other day I received an email from the Hot Wheels VIP Club and they advised me my son was too young (he's almost 6) and the contact information at the bottom was [email protected]...I don't know about anyone else but that just doesn't seem right. After some more research I found that they have listed this offer on craigslist and they have more than one website up; the other one is

I have a feeling this is a total scam
I found this on a hoax forum on another web site.

According to Mattel this is a scam, they do not have any type of VIP club.

I unfortunately signed up but received an email that my son did not qualify so I unsubscibed but it left me very nervous. I was reading a mom's website and one of them was suspicous so she called Mattel and they stated they are investigating. Right now these people have 2 websites running and are listing it all over craigslist. Also a google search of the company listed on the signup page munson industries/noesis does not exist.

Please be careful
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Hot Wheels Vip Club

I got this message on Tuesday:

Dear Parents:
Thank you for your patience! We are excited to report that the Hot Wheels® VIP Club will be live starting on Thursday, May 29 and will be active for one month. You'll receive a separate e-mail prior to the launch with instructions for logging in to the site. Some of you may be starting your summer vacations but we hope to catch most of you.

Has anyone got an email from them?
I tried
It says to find out if you qualify to become a member-click below

But, I can't find anything to click on:mmph:::verysad:

My email said that we were supose to get an email telling us our login and password. But it said we would get it before today. I went to the website also and it said the same thing.

I was just wondering if anyone got the email with the login and password?