Just wondering your opinion on freebies


~*MrS. LuRz*~
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
I just want to know if anyone else thinks that they have a better chance of getting the freebie if you check the "Yes please contact me in the future with newsletters, emails, promotions, and coupons from the company"

I just feel as if I check NO then the company will think "she has no interest in what we are doing" and not send me a freebie, but on the other hand if I check YES then they will believe that I am interested in what thier company provides and send me stuff....

-Thinks too much
only when it involves free t-shirts. everything else seems to work for me. i put a number down but ask not to contact on all offers. :confused:
if you accidentally mis-type your phone number or email address ... well... i mean, nobody's perfect :p
otherwise, a lot of us have email addresses we set up just for receiving spam, because you're bound to get it with all the freebies you sign up for
nope, freebies are freebies. i never want to check mark, those, or else they'll spam, you're mail.....NOT E-MAIL....but household mail, and you never want that....
I dont try for them anymore because someone used my credit card info on the net, probably when I went to one of those sites. Free isn't worth risking that again.

If its instore, then fine.
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Also, what I did was buy a visa gift card for online purchases that I can put money in whatever I need to. You can also use a special card with a low limit for online purchases. Credit card companies also now offer "dispoasbale" credit card numbers.
All my freebies go to a really junky Hotmail account and I just go in and mass delete stuff - I do click "yes - send me the crap" - just in case. I would hate to miss out on something!! I also have a free fax number & voicemail that goes to another account - I ust that phone number. If people call all they get is my recorded message
Jersey Mook said:
All my freebies go to a really junky Hotmail account and I just go in and mass delete stuff - I do click "yes - send me the crap" - just in case. I would hate to miss out on something!! I also have a free fax number & voicemail that goes to another account - I ust that phone number. If people call all they get is my recorded message

You're prepared
It will take a lot for them to track the real me down!!!