KDS XF-9S Xtreme Flat 19" CRT Monitor for $34 Shipped After Rebates +Free Mini Fridge


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Dec 21, 2001
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KDS XF-9S Xtreme Flat 19" CRT Monitor for $34 Shipped After Rebates +Free Mini Fridge

Office Depot has a great deal on the KDS® XF-9S Xtreme Flat 19" CRT Monitor. Monitor comes with a 3 year warranty.

Pricegrabber Price : $187 ~ $222 Shipped

1. Click here to go to Office Depot.
2. Search and Add 558866 ( 19" CRT : $197.38 )
3. Coupon for Free Mini Fridge | Code: 17085306
4. Coupon Price : -$30.00 | Code : 12925578
5. Rebate1 Price : -$50.00 ( Send copy of UPC )
6. Rebate2 Price : -$30.00
Total Price : $87.38 Shipped

Now $114.02 BEFORE rebates, or $34.02 Shipped AR

If you already purchased this monitor, call 1-800-GODEPOT to receive a credit for the price difference.
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$60 or zero $, I wouldn't buy another tube monitor on a bet. It's worth spending extra for an LCD!
Well it's a good substitute for a bench press or dumbell.
Well, for those of us with not a lot of money and a lot of desk space (I snagged a nice oak executive desk from a company going out of business for free). Anyway, this is a heck of a deal.

darned it all, when I missed the 17" LCD's for $150.
I have one of these monitors, and it's a great monitor for the money! But now it just sits on the shelf collecting dust as we have upgraded to LCDs now. LOL
Spoofee said:
Office Depot has a great deal on the KDS® XF-9S Xtreme Flat 19" CRT Monitor. Monitor comes with a 3 year warranty.

Pricegrabber Price : $187 ~ $222 Shipped

1. Click here to go to Office Depot.
2. Search and Add 558866 ( 19" CRT : $169.99 )
3. Coupon Price : -$30.00 | Code : 12925578
4. Rebate1 Price : -$50.00 ( Send copy of UPC )
5. Rebate2 Price : -$30.00
Total Price : $59.99 Shipped

Also, get a free mini fridge with your purchase of $50 or more (offer expires 5/24/05)

Enter coupon code 17085306 in your cart

just fyi, if you placed your order recently and it hasn't shipped yet, you can call 1800GODEPOT & add the free mini fridge to your order if you haven't already done so.
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I (actually my aunt) have one of these monitors and it has excellent picture quality. Also, at this price, this is a hard deal to beat!
Although flat-panels take up less space, there's something to be said for the better brightness and more accurate color reproduction given by CRTs. I do a lot of imaging work and the difference between what you see on an LCD and what the image prints or projects as can be quite striking!

Also, thanks for the mini-fridge posting. Unfortunately, they're all out now :cry: :cry: , at least in my area (northeast US).
I just placed my order and the mini-fridge was out of stock for me too. :(

Looks as though the free fridge deal is gone.
I don't like the "fixed" resolution with the LCDs. Video games and graphics also seem more vivid on a CRT. I think I'll wait - so far the strategy has payed off seeing the plummeting prices on LCDs.
They wouldn't give me the fridge and the $30 coupon. Anyone else have this problem?
delsinger said:
They wouldn't give me the fridge and the $30 coupon. Anyone else have this problem?

I had the same problem. That, and reading on the mail in Rebate that it had to be an In-Store purchase to recieve the rebate made me believe that I'd be unhappy with the final results, and decided not to deal with these companies. :thumbs_do
Price Drop!

if you bought this monitor, there's been a price drop to 114.02! call OD and they'll credit you back the difference.
Price Drop!

price dropped to $114.02, give OD a call, they'll credit you back the difference :D
hommeg said:
price dropped to $114.02, give OD a call, they'll credit you back the difference :D
thanks for the update hommeg! i've updated Spoofee's post to reflect your info =)
The price I see is $197.38

penpen said:
thanks for the update hommeg! i've updated Spoofee's post to reflect your info =)

where do you see $114.02
DealChaser said:
where do you see $114.02

whoa, they changed it!

i saw the $114.02 price on the OD site too (argh, should have saved a screen shot!)

ah well, i'll re-update the first post again

Now $114.02 BEFORE rebates, or $34.02 Shipped AR

If you already purchased this monitor, call 1-800-GODEPOT to receive a credit for the price difference. TODAY is the last day for the rebates, so if you want this, buy this now!
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Dang.... I missed out on the price match. They've changed the price to $197!! :(