Kingston 4GB SDHC Card for $7.99 Shipped

Not true =(

"A problem occurred during viewing shopping cart
Sorry,this gift item is part of a promotional special and cannot be manually added to your cart. If you'd like to receive the gift item, please add all required products to your shopping cart."

All of the other items involved $60+ items :(
When I tried to add it to my shopping cart I got an error message:

A problem occurred during viewing shopping cart
Sorry,this gift item is part of a promotional special and cannot be manually added to your cart. If you'd like to receive the gift item, please add all required products to your shopping cart.
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The "View Similar Items" technique worked for me, too! Thanks for sharing, Shirley.

What I did was to select one of the other items and then delete the other item at check out, this way I was able to order 2 at the special price ($16 total) with free shipping.