Kroger No Longer Doubling / Tripling Coupons in Houston

Wal-Mart is changing their policy, however, so that you can actually get cash back.

- Link to Salt Lake Tribune article

"First, Walmart clearly states that it not only will accept a coupon that's worth more than the item being purchased, but that the store will give the customer the difference."

"Second, Walmart will now accept competitor's coupons that state a specific price. (This doesn't include coupons that offer percentage-off discounts or buy one get one free coupons.) But this is still good news, because it's an expansion of Walmart's price-matching policy."

- Link to downloadable/printable Walmart coupon policy
I just can't wait until everyone matches internet prices like Frys started doing (although I don't have to pay sales tax most of the time online, which is definitely a savings).