Lexar 128MB USB Drive for $24 Shipped or 256mb for $35 Shipped

256 Sold Out ?????????????????

That was quick, What?? :cry: Did they have 1 Available.
"Rain Check"

:D Request a rain Check from Customer Service. :hmm:

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Yeah, they seem to be all out. So could we still order then? They have about 30 of the 128 in stock though.
greyknight17 said:
Yeah, they seem to be all out. So could we still order then? They have about 30 of the 128 in stock though.

I just looked and that number is down to 5. :11:

They are USB v1.1

Maybe that's why there are so few
Did anyone get one? I forgot that my Yahoo wallet had the wrong contact email addy and I don't even know if my order went through.
Haha...I got one of the 256mb drives. Since I figured I missed out on this deal again, I have another 128mb drive coming from somewhere else.