Local Channels w/Direct TV


Diamond Member
Feb 15, 2007
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OK, so their coming tomorrow to switch me to Direct TV (satillite) and get rid of my Time Warner Cable. I thought it was a great idea. It's about $15 a month cheaper and instead of getting all the channels on only 1 TV, we'd get them on all three.

When they sold me on it they said it included local channels. Talking to someone today who has it..I panicked. I called to double check and they said the person neglected to finish that sentance..."Includes local channels in those areas where we broadcast"-of course mine is not one of those areas.

So they gave me two options:

1) Send some kind of letter somewhere appealing something. Whatever. The person who warned me today did this and got no-where.

2) Get a digital converter box to get the local channels.

OK...doesn't sound so bad. But will this really work? I'm leary trusting them now and once they connect it I'm in a 2 year contract. As long as I cancle before they hook it up I'm good.

Has anyone tried this? Anyone have any other solutions?


Thank you in advance!
My advice...stay with Time Warner. They may be a bit more expensive BUT they are upfront, no lies, good service and have been around a long time.
Thanks Madonna, problem is my service has been terrible! Anyway the solution was to upgrade to an HD TV. Appently it's a non-issue then. So we'll wait a couple months (cuz we're cutting down on the credit stuff) and then we'll buy one. Problem solved.