Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX Webcam for $24.99 Shipped After Rebate

Wrong Rebate-2 Amount

This item has two rebates
1. Logitech - Save $15 on QuickCam Communicate
2. CCity - $10 for 9614100403 (Wrongly mentioned as $20)

Here is the correct price $49.99 - $25 = $24.99+tax
Spoofee said:
Circuit City has the Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX webcam for $24.99 after rebate.

Pricegrabber Price : $38.00 ~ $76.95 Shipped

1. Circuit City Price : $49.99
2. Rebate1 Price : -$15.00
3. Rebate2 Price : -$20.00
Final Price : $24.99 After Rebate

also, Radio Shack has this for $19.99 AR ($49.99 - $15 RS rebate - $15 mfr rebate)

spend a penny more for free shipping on $50 or more
