Looking for a external dvd burner


(. ) ( .) <-- not boobies
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
Name Brand External DVD-RW

i want one that can has double/dual layer feature. do you know any? i want to get one for around $100
well, its @ compusa.... used to be $100, now $60 after Instant & MIR Rebates... Only other one is MadDog with great specs, 2 weeks ago @ compusa, it was $80 or so.
Yeah, at LaCie, they have a clearance corner with refurbished LaCie models for around $100, what you're looking for. I'd recommend a LaCie over a MadDog, especially with their rebates. I'm waiting to get a little more money and then I'm getting one for my Mac, I really need it.

beware: the LaCie models' speed are not really up to par with the others, especially the CD burners
I've used many LaCie products on our G5 Macs at school and they seem to be very fast. Don't know where you get that statement from...
i dont wanna argue, but....

16X Double-Layer DVD-/+RW USB 2.0, designed by F.A.Porsche (RECON)

* Reconditioned - 90 warranty
* 16X DVD-R/+R
* 4X DVD-RW/+R
* 4X DVD+R9 Double-Layer
* 32X CD-R
* 24X CD-RW
* Includes PC software
* Mac Software not Included
* Part Number: 300776UR

32x CD-R is not up to par w/ most CD burners (normally 48x) - along with the 24x CD-RW. Not a big deal. However, I do agree MadDog's quality is not that good, just thought it was a good deal. :)
Oh, I see. I didn't even notice that, good point. However, personally I find that there's not much real difference in CD-R speeds once you get to a certain level. Thanks for pointing that out.
Well, we're looking for external deals.
Hey, check this out. I just ordered one of these for my Mac. It's FireWire only, but if you have FireWire, then you're all set, it's better anyway. It's the LaCie d2 drive for $91 shipped.


It's the second one on the list for $95. Use coupon DM16XR and it comes down to $79, and then add $12 for shipping. Seems like a good deal to me, I just picked one up, it'll go nicely with my Mac.
Hey everyone :)
I'm looking for a good external dvd burner that comes w/ the software to burn dvds. I want to make copies of my movies from my laptop.
chuck the internal one in one of the 20$ external boxes , works great for me.
Thanks Erik but I dont have firewire on my pc laptop.