Looking for free Anti-virus software for Mac


New member
Mar 7, 2005
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Anyone know where I can find a decent shareware anti-virus software for Mac OS X?

You really don't need to use virus protection on a Mac.
Yeah, I've been using my new Mac for quite a little bit now. I've been reading and learning, you seriously don't need any virus/spyware protecton on a Mac, the operating system is so stable and there are no viruses and spyware written for it.
Erik said:
Yeah, I've been using my new Mac for quite a little bit now. I've been reading and learning, you seriously don't need any virus/spyware protecton on a Mac, the operating system is so stable and there are no viruses and spyware written for it.

Maybe not yet. ;)
From Mac Security: Fact and Fiction

Myth: Mac users don’t need to worry about viruses.

FALSE. We’ve enjoyed a long, glorious stretch without serious malware affecting our platform. But that doesn’t mean we can afford to let down our collective guard. If there is a virus attack, those of us who have good, up-to-date antivirus software installed will have the best odds of escaping unscathed.

I don't think I'd let my guard down so quickly...
thanks for the post. he was looking for information on Mac Os, looks like
avast only supports windows at this time.

speaking of windows, ME is one of the most flawed version of windows released.
you should consider upgrading to 98SE or windows xp pro/2000.
Well, you wouldn't necessarily "upgrade" to 98SE, but I guess you can consider that downgrade an upgrade! LOL

Definitely go to Windows XP if your machine can support it.
sure Erik, you know what i mean. but if someone is still runnign ME, to them it IS
an upgrade. im not knocking ME users. ME is just unstable.

xp home is still bloatware. if you were first exposed to microsoft through ME, its
a wonder you havent jumped ship to gnu/linux or mac platforms. not that theres
anything wrong with jumping ship anyway.. ;)