Looking For: In Dash MP3/CD Player For Car


Nov 4, 2002
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Does any body know where I can get a good and cheap MP3 player for my car? Looking for IN-DASH NOT Portable!!!! Thanks for your help!
don't go to sears, i work there... but we do price match on ANYTHING with a 10% of difference.. so it's 110% of the difference back, but hey who doesn't do that?! Damn staples for not!! that one day!! :mad:

but yeah, uhm and sears has cupons too, just that you have to have a credit line from sears and carry a good credit... around holidays, they throw specials, earlie birds, 10% off anything and everything til 10am...

Uhm for car audio... I would say for the best deal, get hook ups... sorry i can't help much! :(

U know of any hook ups? I see your from Cali. I'm from Southern
Cali, down there by Disneyland. If your around my town, let me know if you got any car audio hook ups. Maybe you can hook me up a job at sears too :p
Hha i'm from NorCal... Sorry man, I know people who know people that can get the hook ups...

I have some friends in SoCal, from the San Diego area, Irvine area and inland and OC area... I can ask them I guess...

If you want a job at sears, go on the webpage... www.sears.com and look for "careers" and apply... I think working for sears is stupid. I work in Electronics department and we dont get paid unless we sell... we're on a PURE comission base... u get paid minumin per hour and if u sell and make comission more than your miniumum, your base gets taken away from you... hella gay huh?

but yeah... I can ask around and i will ... dunno if i can though... i try...:p