Mac Clone /Open Computer

Yup I saw this... basicly they are taking the work that people are putting in for free with the OSX86 project and making a buck on it. I'm personally running a hackintosh at home with very good success.
May be for someone who uses hackintosh might look that way, but for some one who is on budget and want to try Mac legally and not a Geek - this provides another cheaper option, with minimal work. That is the way all free software stuff works right.

If you look at Linux, volunteers made it, lots of companies made money out of it, now the volunteers also getting paid in someway.

Hopefully this would also work the same way
Technically if you read the software license for OS X it states that it's illegal to run the OS on anything but an Apple hardware, but who really cares if someone has actually paid for the software.
I thought an Intel was Apple hardware. LOL

So far, these guys are in the clear. It will be interesting to see if Apple sets their sites on them.
Apples mark up their hardware is very high, but they have good enough followers, who dont mind getting ripped constantly.

Hope this would send a message to Apple, they will reconsider their pricing.