Memorex USB 2.0 256MB TravelDrive for $7.99 After Rebate

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Office Depot has the Memorex USB 2.0 256mb TravelDrive for only $7.99 after rebate. You have to have at least $50 worth of goods to get free shipping or pick up in-stores.

1. Click here to go to Office Depot.
2. Search and Add 161974 ( USB Price : $17.99 )
3. Rebate Price : -$10.00
Final Price : $7.99 After Rebate
Memorex 512MB @ Circuit City is a better deal

Not bad... but the Memorex 512mb USB TravelDrive for Free + Make $8 After Pricematch (posted Sunday) is still an option. Why spend $8.00 on a 256MB when you can get a 512MB and pocket $8.00. I did it yesterday and it worked like a charm.
falaniz said:
Why spend $8.00 on a 256MB when you can get a 512MB and pocket $8.00. I did it yesterday and it worked like a charm.

I guess it's for people who were denied pricematch LOL
Price should be good til this coming Sunday, 12/18

Circuit City has a great deal on the Memorex 512MB TravelDrive USB 2.0 Flash Drive.

Pricegrabber Price : $32 ~ $69 Shipped

1. Click here and choose to pickup in-stores. ( Price : $59.99 )
2. Print the Staples page which has this same item for $29.99.
3. Go to pickup the USB drive at your Circuit City with the print out.
4. Pick up the USB drive. Let the receipt and rebate print out.
5. Go back to your car and drop off the rebate and pick up the Staples printout.
6. Go back into Circuit City customer service and ask them to pricematch Staples. ( Pricematch : -$33 )
7. Rebate1 Price : -$20.00
8. Rebate2 Price : -$15.00
Final Price : Free + Make $8
Curciut City option is good Til EOD Saturday

Opps, my mistake, the rebates are only good for purchases between 12/11/05 and 12/17/05 which is til Saturday.
gr8nrg said:
I guess it's for people who were denied pricematch LOL


i was just thinking... these must really suck for memorex to be giving them away like this.
owell... i got one & made $8 this weekend. hubby seems to like it. :bigok: