MicroCenter - Vonage Telephone Adapter for $49.99

Just a reminder, the sunrocket VOIP adapter is always free. Plus you get two phone numbers for less money than vonage costs for a single line.
I hear sunrocket has problems with quality and other issues, i have had vonage for a year and a half, have had no problems. Also vonage is the leader in VOip service, and I wonder why??????

"I just saved a ton of money on my phone bill!"
can some one please tell me how this system works? thanks.
Sunrocket had a few problems when they upgraded their network last summer. It has been rock solid ever since w/o a single outage. As far as quality goes, I switched to sunrocked b/c they had a risk free trial. I noticed sunrocket was much better. Since then my friend, coworker, sister, and mom all switched to sunrocket. Two of them switched from vonage as well. Not to mention you get more features for a lot less than what vonage charges.

One other benefit of sunrocket is that it works with faxes ,modems, tivos, and satellite dish modems. I have one friend who dropped vonage because his directv receiver did not work with vonage.

Vonage is the leader for 3 reasons. (1) marketing. (2) exchange locations (sunrocket has numbers in every area code but fewer exchanges which means you might not be able to transfer your number. (3) people who stick with them simply because they think they are good because they are popular. Using that logic, the none of us should have given up our traditional phone lines.
Can this adapter work with other VOIP providers, or is it locked to work ONLY with Vonage ?

I know it says Vonage, but just wondering if thats mainly a marketing slap on or if it means smoething more.

If anyone has any experience using their Vonage-adapter with another VOIP provider, please share.
I 2nd Sunrocket. I have had it for about 9 months now and it's great. Not a single outage that I know about and it's very rare to have voice quality problems. I did have some problems with getting my number ported, but that wasn't really a sunrocket. Focal Comm is the provider and they are horrible for getting numbers xfered, but since it has been done I'm not looking back. I have my ported number plus my orginal SR number and my sig line. So I have a total of three numbers into my SR line. We use one for our personal line and the other one for my wife's bussiness line. Over all I give SR a 9 out of 10.

go_champ said:
Can this adapter work with other VOIP providers, or is it locked to work ONLY with Vonage ?

I know it says Vonage, but just wondering if thats mainly a marketing slap on or if it means smoething more.

If anyone has any experience using their Vonage-adapter with another VOIP provider, please share.
I believe the Vontage adaptor is locked into there service. I did some quick searches and I think it can be unlocked, but it's not easy to do.

The sunrocket adaptor is not locked. The admin password has to be obtained and then you can change any setting to point it to any Voip server.

Kage_ said:
I believe the Vontage adaptor is locked into there service. I did some quick searches and I think it can be unlocked, but it's not easy to do.

The sunrocket adaptor is not locked. The admin password has to be obtained and then you can change any setting to point it to any Voip server.


So then how do you obtain the Admin password. Is it the default password that came with the device, or do you have to call SR and ask for it.

I have also had Sunrocket service for more than a year now. Since the outage last summer, it has worked flawlessly for me. I think for any VOIP service, a lot has to do with how good of a broadband service you have. I have cable modem and it works like a charm...no dropped calls or voice quality issues. I have heard some poeple gripe about VOIP, but the common denominator seems to be that they are using it with DSL.

Bottom Line: IMHO, if you have solid broadband service without any issues, you shouldn't have any problems with Sunrocket.