Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse. Make $5


Silver Member
Sep 30, 2002
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Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse. Free After Rebate

Best Buy has the Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse for 24.99 with a 15 dollar rebate. Price match the mouse to staples for $10 and send in the rebate and get 5 dollars and the mouse! :D

EDIT SORRY I read the paper wrong. The mouse comes out to be free After Rebate and you do not make 5 dollars.

Staples Price 14.94 + tax
Best Buy Rebate 15
Did you do PM?
I don't think we can PM because Staples also have rebate.
If both of Staples and Best Buy have same rebates, how can you PM? Look at the PM policy of Staples. They consider all coupons , shipping costs and rebates. :confused: :confused:
If both have same rebate, why PM at all? Why not just buy at Staples for free?
To Michelle, the rebate is BestBuy specific, so you can't just buy from Staples and apply the BestBuy rebate.

I have no local Staples in NV (weird, but true), so I assume Spoofee's approach would NOT qualify for me anyway (please correct me if wrong), but I did notice that Office Depot is offering the same item WITHOUT REBATE (item # 571231) for $14.84 (at least that's what reported online, I assume a local store would be likewise?).

The concern I have is, does a printout from an online source qualify for a PM at a local BestBuy? Not sure how else I'd be able to prove it short of buying it from Office Depot, showing the receipt, then returning it (not worth the hassle). As you can tell, I'm NEW to PM'ing.

But since Office Depot is selling it WO rebate for $14.84, it does seem a better avenue for successful PM overall.
Come to think of it, couldn't you do this w/ the MS Internet Keyboard too (BB has same deal on kb as mouse, and the kb is 14.84 @ Office Depot too), so get BOTH for FREE!
Can not find rebate form online

I am unable to find the rebate form at

The original deal says that I can order it from for $10 shipped after rebates. Is that still accurate?


papanickel said:
The evil scheme :evil:was to
1. Buy it at BB for .84 PM
2. Buy it at OD for .99 PM,
3. Make a copy of the BB receipt
4. Return the BB unit, get my .84 back.
5. Send in the BB rebate
=Net -.

What you're suggesting is not moral | ethical - and should not be considered. You should not post this type of scheme on this site.

Buy it and use all available legal ways to reduce your out of pocket cost. But to deceive is just not the thing to do. Be a good person - not an :butt:
Hmmmm....morals on a deal-hunter site -- what a concept!
What you're suggesting is not moral | ethical - and should not be considered. You should not post this type of scheme on this site.

I think that it is challenging to stay within the rules and still get the item for free or even make money.

My point is that its fun to get this stuff for free...its like doing a puzzle, a game, its challenging to burn the price down as cheap as possible while staying above board.

I'm not saying don't do it as I do my share of Warezing and kind of overlook the moral implications of getting software that way.
Try Office Depot if no Staples

There are no Staples stores in Houston or Austin so I checked Office Depot and they have the keyboard and mouse for 14.84 a piece.

I bought both on separate receipts(told them I had to turn in one receipt for work). Then I came back and had them PM Office Depot on each...they were nice enough to do both in one trip. Now I have them both about $14 + tax/each after the 110% PM.

Will send in the rebates from two addresses since it looks like you can only have one or the other...

$25 - Optical Mouse
$25 - Internet Keyboard
-$10 - PM on the Mouse
-$10 - PM on the Keyboard
-$15 - Rebate on Mouse
-$15 - Rebate on Keyboard


Don't forget to look into Office Depot or maybe even Office Max if you don't have Staples.
I was able to successfully PM BOTH the mouse and kb today as well. The biggest problem I encountered was the long wait, as it took forever for OD to provide the model #'s to CS (their weekly ad only contained OD reference #s). Eventually, BB just got tired of waiting and gave me the PM anyway, got EACH for $13.82 w/ NV tax. With 2 x $15 rebate, I make $2.36.

Btw, I don't see anything that limits the rebates to one or the other (as someone else mentioned). I do happen to have separate receipts, but only cause I needed to visit two BB to get the items. So this truly appears to be a FAR deal for the two.

Btw, I learned something from my first PM - BRING A COPY OF THE WEBSITE PAGE SHOWING THE PRICE, MODEL #, ETC, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE! Saves LOTS of time and haggling. It doesn't hurt to be as friendly/helpful as possible either ;)