Minolta 1350W Laser Printer For $100 Shipped After Rebate


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Staples has the new Minolta/Konika 1350W Laser Printer for only $90 shipped after rebate. Check out Minolta's website for more information. The unit seems to be a better version of 1250W which had a good reputation.

1. Click here to go to Staples.
2. Search and add 555019 ( Printer : $179.98 )
3. Coupon Price : -$80 | Code : 92210
Final Price : $99.98
Something you might care about...

It appears that this printer is a Windows GDI printer, which means that it is not cross platform. You can't hook this printer to a Linux box, you can't hook it to a mac. All of the image processing occurs on the Windows box, so this printer will be slow if you have a slow computer.

This is a good deal if you don't need to worry about such things.
good printer

I pick one of these up last time they were on sale and I have not had any complaints about it.

It seems to be as fast printing as any other laser printer I've owned.

I recommended getting one if you need a laser printer.
any one still has the $30 off $150 coupon code!
FYI: Item out of stock :cry:

I too bought one last time.
It's good enough for me to attempt to get a second.