minute maid frozen novelties

no they are not for free products.I just recieved some today,and I recieved coupons for 1.00 off two boxes.they were for minute maid stuff and frozen appetizers that they make
hmmm minute maid and appetizers.. I think it'll be a mixer party!:teeth:
Thanks! I'll enjoy the coupons
Yeah, and they do send coupons periodically. They have soft pretzels.
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Hopefully the coupons arrive while it's still hot out there. Been making my own fruit pops w/"blueberry pomegranate" juice & "orange juice" (separate pops, not mixed).

Thanks! :)
I signed up for these months ago and still nothing.
This is a repost, I got coupons last week.
Can't wait to get the coupons! I love minute maid stuff! ;-) And u'r right..I love the frozen pretzels..got one the other day for another free box...
This is a great opportunity. I've received two sets of different coups from them already - the first set did include a coupon for a free box of the frozen pretzels. They are so yummy!
the set I just got din't have any free items but the time before there were coupons for free pretzels
Thanks for the reminder for the newbies but this is a repost from at least a year back. I did recieve some coupons last year but nothing since :( Please consider a search and post a reply with the comment "bump" just to give the original poster credit for thier research. Thanks again! :wave: