Model Images - Before and After Touch Up

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
This is very interesting and talented.

Model Image touch ups
- Just move your mouse over and you can see how they looked before touch ups.
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I'll never trust another photo again! LOL
wow! now i've heard of touchups, but i've never seen before and afters like that. pretty interesting stuff
Think I could trim my butt that easily?? It would give Jenny Craig a run for her money!
I dont know about this. If I were some of them i'd feel pretty bad about myself. Like I'm thin already why do i got to be thinner??? Or what's up with making almost everyone's boobs bigger too??? LOL That's Hollywood for you.
imagine if your income was based on how you look, so you bust your butt to look your best all the time and they STILL have to fix your pictures? and then the g.p. thinks you look a certain way from your pics and then you make a personal appearance and you don't look like that (lines on your face, rolls on your waist, etc)-- that could ruin your career. no wonder celebs have eating disorders and poor body images.
i showed these pictures to my 11yo daughter so she'd see that even the people we think are "perfect" really aren't.
who is it that said a picture's worth a thousand words?!!!
A lot of the touchups are to fix wrinkles in clothing, shadows, bad makeup, "flaws" accentuated by lighting, odd proportions due to bad posing, trim out fly-away hairs, and to even out skin tone again caused by bad lighting. The lighting is awful in many of the originals... making eyes look hollow, collar bones look like they're jutting out, wrinkles in the skin look huge. I've seen better lighting in some Glamorshots pictures. Also, a lot of the touchups look like touchups, meaning it doesn't look natural, you can tell they were altered. If whoever set the shoots up know what they were doing, many of the touchups wouldn't be needed if the lighting, posing, makeup and hair were done correctly. It almost seems like they didn't bother with any of that since they were planning on touching them up. The trimmed butt and waist and enhanced bust, that's just good ol' American marketing.
Machtyn said:
Many of those before pics were better than the touch-ups, imo. Particularly, the one where they "extended" the butt.

you're right- she went from HOT to cartoonish. even the color looks weird. plus her bikini bottoms were skimpier before retouching. what's up w that?!
A girl I went to school with was a Playboy bunny after graduation, she was pretty and I remember her as being shy and very nice but I will never forget what her ex-boyfriend said to me "I saw her pictures and damn they touched her up I wish she looked like that when we __fill in blank here__ I might have stayed.
Cedar said:
A girl I went to school with was a Playboy bunny after graduation, she was pretty and I remember her as being shy and very nice but I will never forget what her ex-boyfriend said to me "I saw her pictures and damn they touched her up I wish she looked like that when we __fill in blank here__ I might have stayed.
LOL that's classic! LOL
ALL of those pictures are unreal, that's the point
I think "unreal" was meant more as "crazy" rather than "not true".

Way to dredge up the old posts btw ;)
Am I the only one who thinks that the after pictures look cel-shaded and cartoony? They dont even look real. The colors are way over saturated and the highlights are too angular. Not that he's not talented, just that it looks totally fake.
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LiveSquid, your Cos is giving me a headache. LOL

I like the comments Spanky made about the pix. What I wanna know is how can I get some of my own pix "touched up". I would love to see what I would look like with flawless skin and bouncin' and behavin' boobs.
Tigrrrloo said:
What I wanna know is how can I get some of my own pix "touched up". I would love to see what I would look like with flawless skin and bouncin' and behavin' boobs.

Feel free to send them off to me... :camera:

I will analyze them and see what I can do for ya. ;) :eek:

clubchick said:
you're right- she went from HOT to cartoonish. even the color looks weird. plus her bikini bottoms were skimpier before retouching. what's up w that?!
If you look on the step behind looks like they took out the 'terd' too! :)