my thread was deleted

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Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
like the title says it was deleted and there was no reason given i had an honest question and i come today to see if theres any answers and i find it to be deleted at least i wuld like a reason if i did something wrong i wuld like to know what so i can stop
Pnmerk, it appears you used the forums for spamming or advertising. These activities are not allowed on Spoofee.
ok ty but if i did the resposible thing to do wuld be to give me a reason as of why it was done , sad nobody can show face and is it spam to post a link that i thought was unique and difrent and that the price were fair. besides i see people posting sites all the time i cant see what i did wrong but that is besides the point i did get a gift from the site and im glad i did
You asked for people to help you find a special hand crafted gift for your wife from a certain specific website. Then you proceeded to tell people how good the books, mirrors and the boxes were. That sounds alot like advertising to me, hence the reason your post was deleted. :thumbs_do

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