NEC MultiSync LCD1735 17" LCD Monitor for $239.94 Shipped

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Dec 21, 2001
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NEC MultiSync LCD1735 17" LCD Monitor for $239.94 Shipped

Staples has the NEC MultiSync LCD1735 17" LCD Monitor for a great price!

Pricegrabber Price : $329 ~ $422 Shipped

1. LCD Price : $329.94
2. Coupon Price : -$20.00 | Code : 40081
3. Rebate Price : -$70.00
Final Price : $239.94 Shipped
Hmmm, tough one

One is a known brand that gets the highest reviews on all of their monitor lines with DVI and the other is a no-name brand without DVI. hmmmm.

Yes, it's worth it. ;)
LCD questions

I'm in the market for a whole new PC system and I have some monitor questions.

I'll planning on going the Dell route and I like the look of their UltraSharp models. I'm not locked into getting the monitor from Dell, but they sometimes have them for a reduced/free upgrade on certain deals.

1. Do you know who makes the Dell UltraSharps?
2. Is there another term for UltraSharp that other manufacturers use so I can look for that in case I buy my display a la carte?
3. Does DVI make that much of a difference?

Dell monitors

1. I don't know who makes their monitors
2. Ultrasharp is a product line not a spec. Think Mustang vs. Corvette. You are mainly looking for a monitor with a decent native resolution (1280x1024 for 17"), high contast, and low response time. Use this for reference material
3. Yes, it does make a big difference but you have to have a video card that supports it to use it. Even if you don't, you probably will in the future.

But don't take my word for it, reading is your friend. Do some research.
P.S. I like the Dell monitors, they have a good picture. If you can get a good deal on one you won't be disappointed.