Nikon coolpix 5400 $200 rebate + $100 Rebate on an Epson C86

Did you mean to post this in hot deals?
Erik said:
Did you mean to post this in hot deals?

I wasnt sure it is a deal or not . As I cld not tie this to any shop. Additionally there is clause in rebate which says authorised dealers only. has the camera for $498.94 before the rebate.

Nikon Coolpix 5400: $498.94
Rebate: -$200.00 Exp 12/31/04
= $298.94 also has the Epson C86 for $91.54 before rebates.

Epson C86: $91.54
Rebate (Requires Camera Purchase): -$100 (Send copies of UPC & Receipt) Exp 1/31/05

= Make $8.46

For a grand total of: $290.48 ARs *FREE SHIPPING*

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This is actually quite a nice deal, considering it would be about $300 for the camera and printer, maybe a little less.
at Amazon, you can get Viking CF128M-P 128 card also.
promotion code : FREECFFORDEC

which saves another $25