(Not Valid) Free Febreeze Pet Pal Pack


proud grandma of parker
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Dogster/Febreze is offering a free Febreze Pet Pal Pack.

Have you recently adopted a pet? Febreze is now sponsoring the Dogster Adoption Center and is offering a free pack of goodies for new pet owners.

- Link to Offer
- You need to register with the site first

Members are reporting not getting this freebie.
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they did not ask me if i had adopted a dog or not. which by the way i have.
thanks for that did the cats too.
Thanks!! I adopted a boxer from our local animal shelter in Feb so this will be a really nice gift for him as i was already a member of Dogster. :claps:
once you sign in it says: Please add your pet to Catster to enter this contest...this is not necessarily a freebie if it is a contest...NO I am not complaining about the post, I think it's great :) just didn't want anyone to think they are automatically getting one...I did try for it anyway.....my cat is adopted :)
I can't get past the page that says Please add your cat. I added my cat and it still says that; can someone help me?
i added my cat i got to catster account page did you get that far?
This is so wonderful since I just adopted 2 dogs w/in the past month. Thank you again.
once you sign in it says: Please add your pet to Catster to enter this contest...this is not necessarily a freebie if it is a contest...NO I am not complaining about the post, I think it's great :) just didn't want anyone to think they are automatically getting one...I did try for it anyway.....my cat is adopted :)

I think the contest's something else... When I submitted my info for the febreze offer, I got this confirmation:

Thank you for signing up for a Febreze Pet Pal Pack for new pet owners and for joining the Febreze Pet Odor Eliminator Group! Your entry has been submitted.

(Please note that supplies of the Febreze Pet Pal Pack are limited and will be fulfilled on a first-come first-serve basis.)
Your entry has been submitted-that is what I meant....its a contest :(
I just can't figure it out! I have my 2 dogs and 1 cat on there and it still tells me to add a pet. I don't have anymore pets to add!!
I'm not sure if I'm entered or not. I know I previously entered info. It gives you no confirmation whatsoever.
I added my dog and it keeps telling me to add a dog to getit! How is anyone getting any further?
I think I figured it out guys. The site wasn't letting me put my info in for the febreeze pack, either; it just kept telling me to add a dog first. I'd already put in all the info for my dog, but I didn't upload a picture. On the "my account" page it says that until you upload a pic your dog won't have a page, or in other words the adding won't be complete. So I popped one up and now I have the febreeze signup page after clicking through the original link again. Hope this works for you guys too!
Your entry has been submitted-that is what I meant....its a contest :(

Typically, *CONTESTS* aren't "fulfilled on a first-come first-serve basis." so I don't really think it's a contest.
don't have a dog...bummer, would of been nice for my cat
I got this in the mail today, very nice little kit with a food scoop & travel bowl that folds down. Thanks OP!!:claps: