Office Depot - 50 Pack Maxell DVDRs for $9.99

The 100 pack is $12.99 here which is a better deal.
It was 9.99 on Sunday and Monday the ad says.
It must be pricing by zipcode or something if yours priced higher.

I punched in my zipcode and gave me the 9.99 for +R and the -R...
Get some better Verbatim dvds from PRice fluctuates but it is usually about $23AR per 100. Free shipping
I say this a lot, I know, but I only use Office Depot brand DVD5s and Verbatim brand DVD9s. Ive burned hundreds and hundreds (maybe a thousand, though that may be a stretch) of OD brand DVDs, and the only bad burns Ive had were my fault. When theyre on sale I can get 100 for ~$20.
Questions on DVD quality?
What makes one better than another? Do they just not work or not last?

If I was going to make an approx. 5 minute movie of my son to send out to college coaches who will watch it just a few times does quality matter that much?
just call them and they will honor it still I just ordered 10 100 pks @ 129.00, thank you very much.
Ok, as soon as I select 'store pickup' the price goes from 9.99 to 12.99
a much better deal was 3 weeks ago at Costco.

They had 16x TDK DVD+R or DVD-R, 2 100-packs for $19.99 (that's 50 pack for $4.99), and TDK disks are slightly better quality than Maxell, and definitely better than OD disks.