Official Democrat Compliment\Complaint Form


No Soup for you!
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
I realized that I kept making new posts about the Democrat party and the Obama administration (I admit, no compliments as of today :rant:). I was thinking maybe I should group them together in one thread so that I don't keep littering the board with hundreds of threads about Obama and the Democrats. So here is the starter post.

Compliments to the administration are also welcome. :shhh:
Gas prices are rising. I'd appreciate if the administration gave a little attention to lowering the price of gasoline.

Gas up $1 a gallon on Obama's watch - Washington Times

The problem here is that the Democrats don't want to drill for oil. I understand making long term alternative energy goals, but you need to couple that with caring for the price of gasoline now. It's anticipated that it will reach $3 this summer. I bet that it'll go beyond that.

Let's open up the Alaskan pipeline all the way baby.
And my thread was immediately rated one star.... LOL.

I'm trying to give you less threads people!!! If you don't like me complaining about the Obama and the Democrats I'd think you would rate this at least a 3... I'm doing you a favor....
I don't see 1 star....I don't know whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis! :suspicious: :wink:

And my thread was immediately rated one star.... LOL.

I'm trying to give you less threads people!!! If you don't like me complaining about the Obama and the Democrats I'd think you would rate this at least a 3... I'm doing you a favor....
BTW, should the country vote for impechment of the beloved el presidente? I mean, he sigle handedly destroyed our republic in 1 year in the office?! I mean, Clinton was going to be impeached over a BJ, com'on people!!!! Where's the common sense? Hello?! :nonod:
BTW, should the country vote for impechment of the beloved el presidente? I mean, he sigle handedly destroyed our republic in 1 year in the office?! I mean, Clinton was going to be impeached over a BJ, com'on people!!!! Where's the common sense? Hello?! :nonod:

Destroyed? That's a little extreme. He's chipping away at our system and starting us on a path to socialism. God bless America. I hope that we can reverse the damage, because as it stands now, it IS reversable.
I realized that I kept making new posts about the Democrat party and the Obama administration (I admit, no compliments as of today :rant:). I was thinking maybe I should group them together in one thread so that I don't keep littering the board with hundreds of threads about Obama and the Democrats. So here is the starter post.

Compliments to the administration are also welcome. :shhh:

:thinking::hmmmm: Michelle and the girls always look nice. :yield:
Gas prices are, in part, due to the reluctance to harvest our own resources, but there is also a big factor based on the strength of the dollar on the world market. And since more dollars are printed each day than sheets of Charmin, we have a big problem in that area.

We need to be back on a modified gold standard. Steve Forbes has written some excellent articles on the subject. Search his website if you're interested.
Gas prices are, in part, due to the reluctance to harvest our own resources, but there is also a big factor based on the strength of the dollar on the world market. And since more dollars are printed each day than sheets of Charmin, we have a big problem in that area.

We need to be back on a modified gold standard. Steve Forbes has written some excellent articles on the subject. Search his website if you're interested.

Good to know. Thanks Dan.
And since more dollars are printed each day than sheets of Charmin, we have a big problem in that area.
It's almost cheaper to wipe your behind with a dollar bill than a square of Charmin....:yesnod:...soon that's all our dollar is going to be good for.....:lost:
Hey thanks for putting this out there. I couldn't agree with you more. Here's my biggest beef... If I want health insurance I will certainly go and buy it for myself. I do not appreciate the government taking the money from someone else, potentially at the point of a gun, and making him/her pay for even the smallest portion of what should be MY responsibility. All based on the fact that these other people haven't done anything other than to achieve more than I have. And if one day I begin to apply myself fully and become more successful I do not want anyone forcing me to pay for their responsibilities. Not even through a government proxy.
I call b.s.:ack:
You people are complaining about the weather. When the Republicans/conservatives are in control the Liberals bicth and when the Democrats/liberals are in control the Republicans bicth. The way it works is that "we the people" are offered all-around losers (from all parties) to choose from and we get our "big chance" to vote against the candidates we like least. I believe the biggest obstacle to being able to have a sane politician is that "sane politician" is an oxymoron. I don't think anyone in their right mind could possibly want to be the POTUS (ie. Catch 22). When the opportunity arises, just vote for the lesser of two weasels and hope they aren't too much under the control of the psychiatric/drug cartel. Until then, don't worry, be happy.
Jerry, you may be right.
Time to take Mr. Jefferson's 200 year correction
You people are complaining about the weather. When the Republicans/conservatives are in control the Liberals bicth and when the Democrats/liberals are in control the Republicans bicth. The way it works is that "we the people" are offered all-around losers (from all parties) to choose from and we get our "big chance" to vote against the candidates we like least. I believe the biggest obstacle to being able to have a sane politician is that "sane politician" is an oxymoron. I don't think anyone in their right mind could possibly want to be the POTUS (ie. Catch 22). When the opportunity arises, just vote for the lesser of two weasels and hope they aren't too much under the control of the psychiatric/drug cartel. Until then, don't worry, be happy.

Can I vote for you?

I do believe that in a lot of instances we are voting for the lesser of two evils. However, I have to admit that it's not always that way. Unfortunately, power corrupts even good people.
Hey thanks for putting this out there. I couldn't agree with you more. Here's my biggest beef... If I want health insurance I will certainly go and buy it for myself. I do not appreciate the government taking the money from someone else, potentially at the point of a gun, and making him/her pay for even the smallest portion of what should be MY responsibility. All based on the fact that these other people haven't done anything other than to achieve more than I have. And if one day I begin to apply myself fully and become more successful I do not want anyone forcing me to pay for their responsibilities. Not even through a government proxy.
I call b.s.:ack:


Love to hear people taking personal responsibility. It's too far and too few in between these days. Too many moochers out there!
I do not like politics and that is why I quit my last job. Now, I am running for office because I want to get rid of all of the political crap that has been handed down to county employees and citizens. I so do not like politics...