Oprah's 'Class Show'


Goody 2 Shoes Goddess TY
Sep 1, 2005
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Today on Oprah, she's talking about 'class' in America. I find it very interesting. If you get the chance to watch it, please do. I found it very informative, hope you do too!

*only wish I had recorded it*
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missed it

Can you say what made it good? (I'm assuming you mean "class" in the sense of status, not in the "she's some classy dame" sense, right?)
Yes, it was 'status'....it examined some outwardly symbols which people use to interpret their 'ecominic status'. It gave some insight as to what people 'look for' and just a statement of the American Economy. I was just wondering if anyone else had the chance to see and 'who' they saw themselves as.
Oprah usually does a 're-broadcast' (not sure if it's the same show on the same day). Here in NY it's on ABC at 4pm and 1 am.

This might help.... http://www2.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200604/tows_past_20060421.jhtml
i watched a clip and read a bit from the website. interesting stuff. we're very middle class, but we live in an upper class area (2 income, 2 kid households), and my kids sometimes don't understand why they don't get to have/do what all their friends do.

the point about being like your parents rings very true. i hope, though, that by the time i'm their age, i've made it to where they are. but growing up, we lived a lot like i do now- barely getting by, but realizing relationships are much more important than "things".
What I found really interesting was when they 'interviewed' people about their view's of other's class... i.e. one woman said she knew others were a 'lower' class than her if they had dirty fingernails, large hoop earrings, ridiculously long nails, constant 'foul' languare, etc..... Some described people who were of a 'higher' class as snobby, uncaring, nice cars...
What I found interesting is that most of the things mentioned really do not have anything to do with money. Yet the show, was supposedly about money.
I do believe it's not the size of your wallet but the way you present yourself and carry yourself that show's a true person's 'class'.
I have met some 'economically challenged' people that dressed very nicely (not slobby, clean & appropriate clothes - no designer labels), were well mannered and conducted themselves wonderfully. Then again, I've met very 'well-to-do' people who dressed so tacky, obscene bling, loud foul mouthed obnoxious slobs that I could not wait to get away from.
I don't believe in being a 'phony' but I really do believe 'nice presentation' goes a long way.
I just wondered what other's thought.
i saw the woman say that if you wear a lot of makeup during the day, you're probably lower class. my mom used to tell me that too! i don't think it's a class issue anymore, i think it's more a generational thing.
I used to look at people with new cars and nice houses and think wow they have money. Now I look at people and think I wonder if they are in debt. You just don't know how much a person makes by what they have because in our society its almost more acceptable to have nice things and be $20,000 in credit card debt than to just be middle class and live within your means. We judge people way too much by what they have.