OT-UPS email virus

Princess Gigi

Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
I got an email from UPS not to open any attachments in emails saying it's coming from UPS because they contain a virus. This evening I just received a UPS email that my spam filter listed as a virus. I know we're all waiting for our Oprah totes so don't be eager and open this type of email. Hope this helps someone.
You should only open attachments from someone you know very well. My husband opened one up that said it was an ecard from a friend and infected my computer. It took me a while to get the computer back working right. Now he won't open anything unless I tell him it's safe. He should have done that in the first place.;);)
I recommend using yahoo (I think hotmail does it too) for email -- they scan all attachments for virus' before they allow you to open them. Just because it came from a friend/family member doesn't mean it's necessarily safe. There are some virus' that access your email address book and send emails from what seems like you (but isn't) to anyone in your list. So just assuming any email from a known source is safe isn't necessarily, well, safe. :)

Thanks for the heads up tho, Gigi!!