(Out Of Stock) Sony PSP Gaming System for $226 Shipped


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Overstock.com has a great price on the Sony PSP system.

Retail Price : $249.99

1. Click here to get $25 off $250. <--now $15 off $150
2. PSP Price : $244.99 <--Out of Stock
3. Add anything that's over $5.01 to use coupon.
Final Price : $225 + Ship ( $1 )
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Just so everyone knows, this is only available as a Pre-Order. It is not available for shipment until 04/05/2005 :confused:
Just wanna let everyone know, this thing is AWESOME!!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND...plays movies, games, music, music videos, etc... just a little pricey, but with this coupon, well worth it! =] i paid $250 =[...
PSP dead pixel

I recommend this system, bought it for 249.99 at ToysRUs, even bought their exteneded warranty. After 1 day of playing, I realized that the screen has dead pixels. I exchanged it for a new unit at ToysRUs, and the screen seemed to be ok. After playing for 1 hour, I realized the new one has more dead pixels than the unit I exchanged. 9 dead pixels compared to 3.
I would probably wait for the next shipment, because spending $250 on a handheld is definitely worth it, only if Sony has tested their products more extensively before rushing it to the consumer. Dead pixels are covered under warranty, but you have to pay for the shipping. I think it's better to purchase this handheld from a retailer near you, so you can return it if there are issues. But if you can deal with handling with customer service and willing to pay the shipping, go for the deal. This handheld is the sexiest handheld I ever owned. I have the gameboy, gameboy SP, Neo Geo pocket, and the classic Nintendo Game-n-watch handheld. :bigok: to Sony's design team

Ah, but do you have a Sega Nomad? Now that was a great system for it's day.

I for one will stick with my GBA SP. I love that it's small, foldable, and hackable....errr, from what I've heard. :)
Dead Pixel testing

you can use these image to test it out, http://www.psp411.com/forum/866/0//Dead_Pixel_Test_Images.html#

I brought mine at bestbuy instore and also online $15 cheaper (with coupon), the one instore is perfect, the one online has flaw on the screen, a little clump in the center of the screen and also 3 dead pixel, I have to return the one online, didn't save that much. :confused:
I have copied those test pix last night into my memory card and will head to ToysRUs right away to exchange it again :(. I hope 3rd time will be my last time exchanging this handheld.
Out of stock. Will not appear in order.

Plus the $25 off $250 appeared to only be $15 off $150. :(

Oh well. One less thing I have to sell on eBay. ;)
there are goin to be a lot of problems with the gen 1 psp one i herd in japan was one of the buttons were dead cause its 2 close to the screen and if u have to replace it 3 times u should have waited till they work all the bugs out on the gen 2 models