Palin's off-script comments irk McCain Aids

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Yup, she could've condensed it.......
yes, they do make small cans of soup.
What I find really amusing is if she campaigned in a house coat......she would've been attacked as being a slob, disheveled and not 'fashionable' nor the Reps give her a they get slammed for dressing her up.....any interview I've ever been to I've always worn my 'best' or went out and bought something new for a 'good impression'.....that is expected....

She's damned either way....she's got me thinking.....her wedding ring must be sterling silver....what other $35 dollar ring can one wear for 20 years and not have your finger turn green and rot off? :p
"Can't believe everyone, so you might as well please yourself!" Sing along with me folks!
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