Pay Per Click for internet.... it may be coming...


~*MrS. LuRz*~
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
:thumbs_do Just more for us to pay for... I was watching NBC and they had a story on how the internet companies want to charge you different rates depending on what you do: downloading, game playing, email, surfing.... the more you use, the more you pay is what they want...

A group of telecommunications companies is mulling ways of charging customers for moving certain kinds of content over the Internet.
Wow, I hope that does not happen. Any ideas on how to protest it?
Faerieglamour said:
Wow, I hope that does not happen. Any ideas on how to protest it?

Unplug you ethernet cable :tongue:
Well... I think this will all depend on your provider.

Actually... our provider already essentially does this. My husband hosts a couple websites on a server in our basement and we're charged for our dsl line for how much bandwidth we use. It's kind of rated like cell phone coverage (so much $ per bandwidth).

Plus... don't some providers charge by the hour anyway? This will be a new way of determining charges. I don't think they'd do both. That would be stupid.
it will never happen and if it does i hope i'm in the ground with the worms
have you seen what cricket has done for the cell phone market? it's just a matter of time before we all have a flat fee for cell phone use, just like we now have with internet. ISPs stand to lose too much money by going to pay-per-click.
That's great, I hope nextel/sprint follows. (the cell phone thing) Pay per click - they'd loose me.
wow didnt hear about this...i hope this dosnt happen
that cricket thing is awesome.... too bad Pittsburgh is the closest to me which is across the state... $45 unlimited.... geeze I pay $59 +$20 in flippin taxes for 900 min with verizon!
yeah, cricket is fantastic!!! i just got a new job that entails LOTS of phone calls.. and, no dehawk, it's not what you're thinking :confused:... went down and got my phone- it's perfect for what i'm going to need. i kept my cingular service though because if i'm out of my "area", i still want decent phone service, without roaming charges. i'm stoked because i won't have to count minutes when talking to boss/clients/etc.
clubchick said:
yeah, cricket is fantastic!!! i just got a new job that entails LOTS of phone calls.. and, no dehawk, it's not what you're thinking :confused:... went down and got my phone- it's perfect for what i'm going to need. i kept my cingular service though because if i'm out of my "area", i still want decent phone service, without roaming charges. i'm stoked because i won't have to count minutes when talking to boss/clients/etc.

can you carry your existing cell number over to them?

*sigh* just spend hundreds on advertising and 2,000 bus. cards with my cell number on them....