Pinnacle Studio Version 9 for $40 Shipped After Rebate

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Circuit City has the Pinnacle Studio Version 9 video editting software for only $39.99 shipped after rebate.

Pricegrabber Price : $81-112 Shipped
Spoofee Price : $40 Shipped

1. Click here to go to Circuit City.
2. Search / Add 613570211211 ( Software Price : $59.99 )
3. Rebate Price : -$20.00
Final Price : $39.99
:( I was reading the rebate and noticed that you have to have a previous version of the software to get the rebate.. Check the list on the rebate first. has Studio AV/DV 9 for 81.64, it includes Studio 9 and a PCI card to captur analog and digital video. My guess is that the $20 rebate for upgrade will work with this too.

So if you want Studio 9 and don't have a way to capture the video this is a good option.
FYI, many people have had bad experiences with Pinnacle Studio software (myself included).
captainjrl said:
FYI, many people have had bad experiences with Pinnacle Studio software (myself included).

Yes I have used this Prg also, and I am not that Happy with it. The Motion Menu's still do not work, even after a few patches. The Video DVD Quality is Blocky. Not sure what other prg's may be better out there.. :hmm:
ChazMan said:
Yes I have used this Prg also, and I am not that Happy with it. The Motion Menu's still do not work, even after a few patches. The Video DVD Quality is Blocky. Not sure what other prg's may be better out there.. :hmm:

From what I have read about the lower cost ($50-$100) DVD programs like this is that they all have their own issues, although the Pinnacle stuff seems to be the worst. I'm thinking about trying Ulead's stuff. Seems to be the least buggy for software in that price range.