Playstation Games


Just Call Me Christi
Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
We have a playstation and need games, dirt cheap is good for us and free is even better, LOL! I have paypal so if you have playstation games you want to get rid of, we just got a playstation through our freecycle group and only have one game so far, I am also willing to trade, I got lots of freebies, just PM me or email [email protected]

Thanks Yall!:claps: :wave:

This is the original playstation, I guess it would be called playstation 1? The 2 & 3 were made after this one.
You may want to check craigslist and freecycle.

Although, I worked clean up at a Children's Resale a couple weeks ago and you wouldn't believe the amount of playstation games that weren't purchased! You may be able to pick some up cheap at a resale...

Good Luck!
We buy a lot of our kids games at Game Stop, they have cheap used games. :bigok: The original Playstation game is older so the games are going to be a lot cheaper than the new models. :)
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The only place I've found them is on ebay. And I haven't even tried that in a couple years. About 3 years ago we gave up and bought a Game Cube. It was only $99 and I think even less now. New titles are no longer being made but I've never bought anything besides a used game for it anyway. Like Joyce said...GameStop. Now the boys want a Wii and I'm glad because all the games will still play on the Wii...once I break down and get them one.

Video no longer available...must've been a good one
Video no longer available...must've been a good one

Here ya go, let's see if this works, I have a tendency to pick apart codes so that nothing is linked and you only see what I wanted you to see, LOL! But lemme try it this way.....
