Please don't laught at me...


GWAR rules
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Please don't laugh at me...

I am looking for an amd athlon 1400 processor.

Any help would be appreciated.

Gabriel :clown:
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Why something so old?

If you get something compatible for the machine you're trying to fix or upgrade or whatever, it will probably cost you less to get something faster and more current than to get one of these, if you want it brand new at least.

If not, try eBay, I'm sure they'll have plenty.
Ebay, local Paper or Craig List
i agree, try ebay, or pricewatch... you could get a 2500 (oem i think) for about $80.00 but if its not compatible with your computer then oh well.
Thank you all very much for the replies so far, but another ?

According to my comp manufacturer, i have a compaq mobo with an 800, yes 800 MHz amd duron. The fastest i can go as far as processor would be a 1.4 athlon. I have a 100 clock speed, and looking at pricewatch there are 2 1.4GHz processors, one 200 clockspeed and a 266. Do i have to match the processor clock speed with my current speed or can i go to a higher speed such as the 200.

Or of the two, which speed would be better, the 200 or 266 and why?

Thanks again
Gabriel :confused: :confused: :confused: