Please help me with choosing a phone system


Silver Member
Apr 30, 2003
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Hello fellow spoofians.

I am in need of a new wireless phone system for my home.
I currently have a 2.4ghz Att one that supports 2 handsets.

It sucks!!!.

Anyone can recommend another that can support up to atleast 4 handset at a decent price.

Some major issues:
Must have good reception
Sound quality must be superb
Battery Life must be decently long

I found panasonic, but consumer reviews tell me to mostly stay away from Panasonic... sigh. what to do?
I recommend going to Costco and trying out a set. If the quality is not good, battery dies, you can have them exchange anytime (as long as you have the membership). The batteries do last shorter and shorter after around a year of usage so Costco may not be the cheapest way, but a for sure satisfaction way.

If you are looking to buy a good deal and keep it forever...
Motorola MD681 5.8GHz Cordless Speakerphone w/Answering System/Caller ID

- Supports up to 6 handsets
- Reviews are 3.5/5 from 94 Amazon users.
- I personally have this, but I don't use it enough to tell you about the battery life. The sound quality is fine, but I'm not sure what a Superb quality is like.
Like Spoofee, I recommend a 5.8Ghz phone, simply so that it won't interfere with your wireless home network, if any. Other than that, I am terrible with phones. I don't like any of their sound quality...
Yeah, the problem with that Motorola (I've wanted to buy it a few times) is that you can't find the expandable handsets anywhere. It's like they're discontinued, but they're not "technically discontinued."
hmm good to kno. 5.8 ghz are still overpriced now... i hear siemans came out with a bluetoothe phone set.

sound quality for me means loud enough i can hear and no cracking noise when on the phone.