PNY 512mb PC2700 Desktop Memory for $13.99, Notebook Memory for $22.50

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Dec 21, 2001
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PNY 512mb PC2700 Desktop Memory for $13.99, Notebook Memory for $22.50

Staples has a great deal after pricematch / rebate.

PNY 512mb PC2700 Desktop Memory for $13.99
Pricegrabber Price : $45.98 ~ $99.98 Shipped Link
1. Staples Price : $99.98 ( Complete on or by 01/22 )
2. Wait until 01/22.
3. Call 1800-3STAPLE or talk to Staples online and tell them that Bestbuy has the same memory for $39.99. ( Pricematch : -$66.00 )
4. Rebate Price : -$20.00
Final Price : $13.99 Shipped

PNY 512mb PC2700 Notebook Memory for $22.50
Pricegrabber Price : $56.98 ~ $77.47 Shipped Link
1. Staples Price : $64.94 ( Complete on or by 01/22 )
2. Wait until 01/22.
3. Call 1800-3STAPLE or talk to Staples online and tell them that Bestbuy has the same memory for $39.99. ( Pricematch : -$27.44 )
4. Rebate Price : -$15.00
Final Price : $22.50 Shipped

Actually, if you look at the site, the $20 rebate seems to be from a previous deal they had.
The rebate is actually $30 if purchasing between 01/01/06 - 02/28/06, or so it says if you click the MIR page on that site. (Don't know why it says $20 instead of $30...) Same thing for the laptop memory rebate... it's $20, not $15

Enjoy =)
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Just called Staples about the matching deal. The saleslady said that she was not sure she could match the price since the difference was so great. My order is placed and waiting on hold. Her supervisor is supposed to make the decision and call me "the next business day" which is Monday.

So, maybe it will work but I have my doubts.
91Bear said:
Just called Staples about the matching deal. The saleslady said that she was not sure she could match the price since the difference was so great. My order is placed and waiting on hold. Her supervisor is supposed to make the decision and call me "the next business day" which is Monday.

So, maybe it will work but I have my doubts.

I just called too, and they said that it had been submitted to corporate this morning, and that it probably take 72 hours before they'd know if they could match it. So the CSR told me to call back Wednesday. My doubts are growing too. :(
I also called Staples and got simillar response.
Hope pricematch will work, but if not, I will just gonna return it. :(
Price Matched!!!

I called Staples this afternoon, and they'll price match Best Buy, but only for one purchase. Guess I'll send the 2nd one back, and go pick up a second @ Best Buy. :confused:
Didn't work for me

When I called CUstomer Service, they told me was out of stock and they would not price match out of stock items. I cancelled the order. :banghead:

got my price match today! woo-hoo! :claps:
can anyone verify that it's a $30 rebate? i looked and it just says "up to" $30. couldn't find any further details on the rebate except for the fine print that they throw out w/ every other rebate.
i got my price match,but i had to call 3 times,i depends on who you get to answer the phone