Political opinion?


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2006
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Shucks, I hope that I do not open up a battle of wits and minds here, but, as responsible adults I reckon there is no topic that we cannot participate in speaking about right? Okay.....after that disclaimer....here goes.....

There is so much on the tv about the war in Iraq and the President's desires to send over as many as 20,000 additional troops. Cast your opinion here Spoofee members, should more troops be sent over? Do you believe we should vacate Iraq and bring our military home? If so what is YOUR timeline to do so, the next six months, a year? Should Iraq, after four years now be accountable for themselves, maybe leave a "delegation" behind? Are these people just hopeless with regards to democracy and peace? You can also say you don't care one way or another, that is ok too. :wave:
That's a lot of questions there. Whether we should have ever gone there, I'll leave alone because right now that's a moot point, we are there. I don't think we can just pull out and say "I've had enough, I'm going home".

I believe we should have already started shifting control back to them, if more troops are needed, well, then that's what it takes. One can't go in and say, "hey, I liberated you, goodbye!" We'll be in worse shape than before, we need to also educate them on how to 'run the place', so to speak, but they do need to start to take a more active role in running themselves.

No easy answers, no easy way out. We're in it.
1) Put a sufficient number of troops in the country.
2) Remove the political restraints, let them fight. If they are being shot as from a mosque, they should be able to flatten the mosque.
3) As soon as the strongholds of the insurgents are eliminated, arm the Iraqui military and police forces
4) Withdraw.

We can't fight with our hands tied. That's what happened in Vietnam.
We can't train these people to the equivalence of US forces before leaving.
Be realistic, most of these people don't understand basic personal hygiene. Toilet paper is an unknown substance
3) As soon as the strongholds of the insurgents are eliminated, arm the Iraqui military and police forces

the root of the problem is that #3 will never, ever happen. don't most of people realize that?! Sad, but true.
I didn't say that the insurgents be eliminated, but that the strongholds be eliminated and their organization weakened enough for the 'good guys' to have a running start.
same point, again. Unfortunately, the insurgency could not be weakened by conventional means ;) in any forceable future....not in our lifetime
My second point, broadened:
Use whatever means and weapons necessary. A few glassy craters in the desert will be a deterrent to future trouble-makers.
My second point, broadened:
Use whatever means and weapons necessary. A few glassy craters in the desert will be a deterrent to future trouble-makers.

NOW we're talking! :claps:
I bet his approach is the best defense is a great offense. That's why there is a plan to add 20,000 troops. Cause he knew that there would be a push to recall troops when we got a new speaker.

Btw, a big impeachment push is happening. That I would agree with.
I bet his approach is the best defense is a great offense. That's why there is a plan to add 20,000 troops. Cause he knew that there would be a push to recall troops when we got a new speaker.

Btw, a big impeachment push is happening. That I would agree with.

At the federal level, different standards apply when the impeachment involves a member of the executive or the judiciary branch. For the executive branch, only those who have allegedly committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes of misdemeanors can be impeached. It will be difficult to prove that the President fits these standards. However, the waging of war on a definable innocent country could give him grief if the House and Senate pursue that course.

From an anthropological perspective, there are some cultures that only understand force and destruction as a means to submission and end! Since when do we fight wars with white gloves on?!?! Meaning, as sad as the loss of life is, perhaps, just perhaps, that is what will get their attention and cool their heels? Just a thought......:convinced:
Politics in this country remind me of two groups on kids on a playground, each group trying to be bigger, badder, and appear better to everyone than the other group.

US politics are a joke(as are the politicians), they are as low as lawyers.

And elections are based on nothing more than who has deeper pockets.

BTW, I believe we should stay and finish the job, I also think politicians and their parties should stop bad mouthing each other and try to unite this country. We aren't setting a good example for the Iraqi people.
Haven't you noticed that most politicians ARE lawyers.
politician = a lawyer who was not good enough to pass a BAR exam :42: