Predator 5.1.6 Channel Sound Card for Free After Rebate (Picked Up)

Sketchy sound card

I'm not saying this card is worthless in all operating systems, but I had bad luck with it in Windows 98 after I picked one up free after rebate a while back. It was late one night and I didn't spend much time troubleshooting, but I either got no sound out of it or very faint sound -- can't remember.
Anyone else do better with it?
I have it installed on one of my XP machines and it's ok. I had no issues installing it.

It's better than most onboard audio, but it doesn't compare to the SoundBlaster cards. Nice card for the money.... especially when it's free!
I've installed about 7 of these sound cards, both the 4.1 and the 5.1 on customers computers I built and haven't had a single complaint. The only time I don't use them is when they want a specific card used.

They increase my profit margin since most are FAR (free after rebate) items from stores like Officemax, O. Depot, and Staples.

I'll pass on this one since I don't want to pay the $5.99 shipping and there
aren't any stores nearby.