Princeton Senergy 714 17" LCD Monitor for $213.79 Shipped After Rebate

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Princeton Senergy 714 17" LCD Monitor for $213.79 Shipped After Rebate

Amazon has the Princeton Senergy 714 17" LCD monitor for only $288.79 - $75 rebate = $213.79. If you ordered this on a previous deal, call (800) 201-7575 and ask for a pricematch. We recommend calling them after you receive your package.
For pricematching, we recommend calling them after you receive the shipment because if you call now, there's a chance they can cancel your order and re-order which invalidates the $30 gift card offer. Once you receive your order, all they can do is give you the money back and your $30 gift card should come through as well.
Princeton Senergy 714 17" LCD Monitor for $225.99 Shipped After Rebate (Last Day)

Amazon has the Princeton Senergy 714 17" LCD monitor for only $300.99 - $75 rebate = $225.99.

Note for Previous Buyers 1 : If you ordered this on for a higher price, call (800) 201-7575 and ask for a pricematch. We recommend calling them after you receive your package.

Note for Previous Buyers 2 : If it has been over 15 days since you ordered and you have not received your package like us, call (800) 201-7575 and tell them that your rebate is invalid because the rebate had to be postmarked within 15 days of purchase. Amazon will reimburse your $75 rebate instantly.