My Best Cell Phone Shopping Experience.
First I would like to apologize for any gramatical errors as I don't have access to a spellchecker here at work and I am mediocre with spelling/grammar, Thanks. Your spoofee bud John.
Yeap. :claps:
Me and my girlfriend (err actually fiancée now - yay me!) recently purchased our cellphones since our contracts at Sprint coincidentally expired within the same month. So by now she knows I like doing research on whatever I plan to buy, lots of it. Went to a couple of malls to check out the kiosks there, went to local cell phone stores (which by the way, have GREAT customer service.) and finally checked out online websites. The manager at Wireless Toyz told me that I was planning on checking out online phones/plans and he immediately said "Well I can guarantee you that you will find a much better deal online since they don't have to pay for a building such as this one ....".
After constant searching I came across Wirefly and found the phone I was searching for (Motorola Razr). Guess what? FREE (cough.cough. after rebate) So I read the details and the way it works is once you receive your 2ND Bill you send a copy of that in along with the rebate form. Wait for however long rebates take (1month or 2) and voila! 2 Free Motorola Razr Phones. We couldn't be happier. We got to keep our old cell phone numbers FREE of charge.
Back then the rebate was for $150 each or so? PLUS a free bluetooth headset (we received Jabra Bluetooth Headsets). Now the current promotion is only a $50 rebate for each phone (Motorola Razr for T.Mobile) which is not bad at all.
1. Amazingly fast shipping (Think Newegg)
2. Painless number transfer (From Sprint to T.Mobile)
3. Had to wait about 30 seconds for an agent over the phone
4. Took 5 minutes to place the order
5. User friendly all-in-one website. ( is a website Wirelfy provides so you can check the package status, download the rebate forms, contact customer service, FAQ, etc.)
6. I regret not spending an extra 50 dollars for the wirefly insurance coverage without deductible (as opposed to $5.00 /month for insurance coverage from T.Mobile PLUS a $50 - $100 deductible)
1. If transferring your number, please
do not cancel your contract from your old provider until T.Mobile acquires the right to transfer the number and your phone is active. (I almost did that, phew)
2. Make sure to save the emails they send to find out what your order # is to check your phone status at
3. Print out the rebates as soon as you have access to them.
4. Order over the internet to avoid misunderstandings (the agent I spoke to inputed my phone number incorrectly, luckily it was fixed)
5. I chose T.Mobile because they dont force a long-term contract like Cingular does. 1 year is good for me thanks. :tongue:
Current Promotions to save you the trouble of looking them up...
Motorla Razr V3c
Multimedia Phone for $100 (Retail last I heard was 400+)
LG VX8100 (Video Phone) With Free Bluetooth Headset ($150 Rebate)
Cingular has the Sony Ericsson W600 (Walkman Phone) for F.A.R.
For T.Mobile
Blackberry (Different Models) F.A.R. (Free After Rebate) PLUS AN IPOD SHUFFLE!
Free Delphi RoadyXT with some T.Mobile Cell Phones.
I hope this helps with your very important purchase of a phone and company you will be
married to for a year. If I have left anything out please let me know.
hone: Good Luck!
Those are my 2 Huge Cents. :money: