Purina One 30-day Challenge - free dog/cat gift. *Phone (quick survey)


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
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Purina One 30-day Challenge - free dog/cat gift. *Phone (quick survey)

1-866-432-PETS (1-866-432-7387)
Purina One 30-day Challenge - call in & submit info & take a quick survey for your free gift(s). Took me 2-3 minutes to make the call. Asks for:

(1) name
(2) complete mailing address (street address, city, state, zip)
(3) email address (optional)
(4) dog (press 1), cat (press 2), both (press 3)
(5) which offer do you want? dog gift (press 1), cat gift (press 2), both (press 3)
(6) Quick survey (about 10 questions) about number of pets, what brand of food you buy, how often, what's important to you.

That's it. Said I should receive my "gifts" in "4-6 weeks" (gift may include an offer for a free small bag of food) :)
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Call in for free dog food.....

.......1-800-894 BARK for Purina One 30-Day Challenge Kit includeing a 4 pound bag of food.....at least thats what I heard on the Glenn Beck show this morning.... http://www.glennbeck.com
MrGovernator said:
what kind of gift? :hmm:
yup, it's dog food (er, at least a coupon for a small bag of dog food)

Macadoo said:
.......1-800-894 BARK for Purina One 30-Day Challenge Kit includeing a 4 pound bag of food.....at least thats what I heard on the Glenn Beck show this morning.... http://www.glennbeck.com
i tried calling the # and it noted i was out of the calling area

it might be for select states :)
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Free Purina Pet Food

Purina is giving away pet food for your dog and/or cat you need to call and complete a short automated survey.

1-800-630-MEOW for your cat

1-888-606-BARK for your dog
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That number refers you to a different number and that one has been busy all day. Not worth the wait :clock:
When I tried the toll free number, it redirected me to an international number.
jomyers said:
That number refers you to a different number and that one has been busy all day. Not worth the wait :clock:

I tried the number as well and it's still busy :(
hb2902 said:
When I tried the toll free number, it redirected me to an international number.

That's what happened to me too
hb2902 said:
When I tried the toll free number, it redirected me to an international number.

Marking as dead as this goes to international number service
Sorry I messes up the number. it's 1-888-606-BARK. I was in a huppy to post it on my way out of work yesterday.
good number

the number was good but it is only for dogs. if u r in st. augustine florida it wont work at least it didn't at 10:24 pm when i tried it. I am there on vacation. what is the number for cats? :D :zip: ;) :o :spoofee: :email: :claps: :bigok: :computer: :beer_yum:
it didn't work where i was calling from, but i was using a cell phone
Tried this morning and it was working fine, either cat or dog, or even both. Short survey and promise of kit in 4-6 weeks
4Lbs Free Purina One Dog (or Cat) Food

4Lbs Free Purina One Dog (or Cat) Food

Call 866-894-BARK, its all voice-automated

Thanks for the post however this is a repost originally posted by penpen. :)
it seems like purina has the similar offers available, and a few phone numbers. not sure if you can sign up through all the phone numbers and get something different, or if you only get one thing despite calling all the different numbers or the number of times you call.

for now, i think it would be easier to merge all the phone numbers here.
this is great that it still works!