Question for my hubby about a ps2 game.


Soon2B SurroMom This Fall
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
I know there are some guys out here and where there are guys there are video games so i thought i'd ask his question here in hopes that i can help him out.

In the game Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 for PS2, my hubby has the strategy guide. He says that it says that kevin's special item (costume- basketball shoes) on level underbelly is at the foot of the bed in the staff room on easy mode but it is not there, Does anyone happen to know where it is?

Thanks for trying to help me out!!! ;)
ITEM NAME : Basketball Shoes
ROOM NAME : Break Room
LOCATION : Between the desk and the right bed. Face the bottom of the right
This item only appear after you have use the Lighter and read the scribblings on
these locations in order:
1)Women's Restroom (West) - middle cubicle
2)Women's Restroom (East) - middle cubicle
3)Platform - Pillar beside subway car
4)Break Room - Between desk and the right bed. Face the bottom of the right bed.
DESCRIPTION: The commercial for these shoes starred that big-shot player.
They're really expensive.
Hope it helps! Gamespot - that's the walkthrough I retrieved this information from.
Thank you!!!!! My hubby wants to know where you found that out!!

Like what is the link to the page with the info??? sorry but thanks!!!
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Rockstar said:
No problem! The link is in the post right before your very last one. The original site is:

oh ok because i clicked on that link and it brought me somewhere weird. lol Thanks again!!!
My hubby is trying the lighter thing now and says it's not working
Keara's Mommy said:
oh ok because i clicked on that link and it brought me somewhere weird. lol
Haha, that's the page of the "walkthrough." As its name suggests, it walks you through the game. It is a rather wierd looking page. Overall, I believe Gamespot is the best source for game related info, cheats, and reviews. Not only is it free, but it's accurate! Glad I could help!