Quiznos Sandwiches - Many New Coupons

Very cool. I just ran there for lunch and a coworker bought their sandwich and since I went to pick up for the 2 of us, mine was (ala Spoofee) FREE!!
Expired - Quiznos coupons..only gonna work 2 more times!

I got an email with these coupons...they say I can only visit the site 3 times, and I visited only once. That means you folks can visit and get the other 2 coupons, whee! There is a 2 for 1 deal, a small sub for 2.99 deal, a $10 off catering deal, and a kids eat free deal. If Quiznos or these deals don't excite you, don't click the link. Let someone use it that will eat the food! ;)

Download Coupons Now
http://netresults.fluencymedia.com/CTX/369/[email protected]
You have visited this page more than the allotted number of times. You can look forward to your next email from Quiznos with more exciting coupons.

:thumbs_do not available anymore.
The only problem with these is that not every Quizno's will accept them. Quizno's is a franchised company, so many owners put signs up that say they will not honor these coupons.