Rachael Ray Dog Food NOT WALMART

Sorry! Only one sample bag per person, please.
I guess it recognizes from the Wal Mart Sample.
Sorry! Only one sample bag per person, please.
I guess it recognizes from the Wal Mart Sample.

probably from the link Glitterdog posted this morning.... same site.
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thank you so much.. since i'm no longer able to get the wal mart freebies this is one that i could get!! tyson thanks you tinamarie
Giant Thanx!!! We missed out on the Walmart sample.
Woody is so excited....:druel:
Markey thanks you.. if you got in on walmart use a different email or create a new spam one at yahoo.com to accomodate this.
I have a Basenji and a Schnauzer. I fed this to them, and the schnauzer had a severe reaction to it, which included severely bloody vomit and stool. I thought maybe it would go away after a day or two, but it only got worse. I took her to the vet and he confirmed that it was just a severe reaction to the food. $400 later, she is okay. The Basenji had no reaction and is just fine.

Nothing against Rachel Ray, but be careful with this food.
Thanks for the heads up on this lindas_sweet. It worked just fine, you can download a coupon now, or wait for a sample in the mail in a few weeks.