Ragu "Kids' Favorites" Recipe Booklet

Thank You!
Your FREE Recipe Book is on its way, filled with favorite, easy-to-prepare recipes your kids will love. Remember, everyone says YES! to a full serving of veggies in every ½ cup serving of Ragú® pasta sauce.
Thanks for the post maybe i can get my 6yr old
to eat something other than chicken.....:confused:
Thanks Alot! My 5 year old should like this! Maybe he can help me cook these recipes too!
Your FREE Recipe Book is on its way, filled with favorite, easy-to-prepare recipes your kids will love. Remember, everyone says YES! to a full serving of veggies in every ½ cup serving of Ragú® pasta sauce.

Thanks Chooch! :)
Thank You!
Your FREE Recipe Book is on its way, filled with favorite, easy-to-prepare recipes your kids will love. Remember, everyone says YES! to a full serving of veggies in every ½ cup serving of Ragú® pasta sauce.

Got mine last week, really cute! Thanks again Chooch! :)
Got mine last week. My 4 1/2 yr old already picked out all the things he wants me to make:D Thanks for the great post!!!!!
Your FREE Recipe Book is on its way

Thanks Choochoo