Refurbished Netgear WGR614 Router for $15.99 Shipped

These routers are h o r r i b l e

Few months ago, they had them fro FREE after MIR at Circuit City. I got it, and returned it 2 days later. Just read the reviews and you'll see. Even for FREE, it's not worth it.
I know these don't get very good reviews, but I bought one for my parents house a couple years ago and it has worked fine. Yeah, it freaks out about every 6 months or so, but you reset it and it works fine for another 6 months. It's not the most fantabulous router in the world, but I haven't had horrible trouble with them.
absolute cr@p routers....

just horrible...

Security settings are a pain, the user interface is a joke...

Stick to D-Link.