(Resolved) Note to Members/Moderators on Recent Posts


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
I wanted to speak to all the things going on lately. I may be incorrect in the way I handle this, but here it goes.

If members are suggesting/complaining, it's valid. No need to attack them. Especially as a moderator, just keep cool. If someone breaks rules, give infraction points, but don't attack personally.

I know it was a mistake, but remember to lock threads when they get out of control instead of moving/deleting.

No one will be banned for being annoying. This goes back to a discussion we had a month ago. Let's fairly give infraction points and if they a member is banned, they need to wait until the ban expires.

Choo, you are a great person/mod. It's totally ok to voice your opinion, but should not verbally attack other members. We know how sensitive people can be, so, please be careful with your wordings. You have to control your temper especially as a moderator.

Social Groups?
After much consideration, social groups will be back up shortly but "invite-only" will be disabled.
Thanks for the update.
Sorry Spoofee but I will not walk on eggshells around 'sensitive' people. Most of what I seen was another member looking for 'trouble' to arise and when they saw it wasn't going their way, they cried wolf. They need to grow a set of balls.

Voicing an opinion about Choo in an open forum is uncalled for and could have been handled via a pm, not out in the open for all eyes to see. But, then again, the person with no balls wanted to see some sort of 'justice' done.

A smack on the hand. Shame on you Choo LOL.

This is getting so old and so tiredsome and it's just not worth the time anymore.

I could fill a post up with all the negativity that has been said about a certain member, all of which was posted for all eyes to see and not ONE of you did ANYTHING about it.

So, before you start jumping down others throats, I would take a good look at the forums and address it accordingly. If you need assistance finding the threads, I will be more then happy to find them for you.

It's easier to just point fingers rather then get to the bottom of the real issue at hand.

I've said my peace and I dont really care if it gets me in trouble either.

Bringing back social groups is the worst thing that Spoofee can do. I mean, you did disable them after the groups were torn between sides. Do you honestly think that will change? Didn't think so.
Bringing back social groups is the worst thing that Spoofee can do. I mean, you did disable them after the groups were torn between sides. Do you honestly think that will change? Didn't think so.

So social groups have no redeeming qualities? I see members complaining about what is in the off topic section, some people still want to post anyway without being slammed for having a medical condition, or being slammed for having kids, or being slammed for having family problems, you may not have seen it, but I sure did, people said the whole things was grade school then slammed whoever for actually discussing off-topic in the off-topic section?! How is bringing back the groups the worst thing possible? It actually gives members a place to discuss things without being torn to shreds by NORMAL people (if that's what you call them) Not attacking you, but I just don't see why groups are such a bad thing, most people weren't against them, most people said I really don't care, very few people said, No don't bring them back at all.
This is not a magic solution to the problems at hand.

So after all this everything is all better now? But not quite, someone still feels the need to try and "figure" things out http://www.spoofee.com/forums/showpost.php?p=458649&postcount=49 and wants to get others in another uproar about some off the wall theory.

Why should we have to dance around certain "overly sensitive" people and be careful with what we say. I am not just talking about myself but for everyone here. If you do not like what you see or read, don't look at it.

As for my temper, sure it gets the best of me at times. I used to really take pride in this place, after 6 years of moderating it just happens. But as of lately I really don't care much anymore.

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If you do not like what you see or read, don't look at it.

I completely agree, but others want to say, well I don't come here anymore because people post things that I don't want to look at, I guess we are sposed to chit chat about the queen and the latest daisy international magazine or something, real people post here, real people have REAL lives and real problems and real kids and real husbands and real jobs and so on and so forth, I dunno, I am just sick of being slammed or being called annoying because I am a real person.
I completely agree, but others want to say, well I don't come here anymore because people post things that I don't want to look at, I guess we are sposed to chit chat about the queen and the latest daisy international magazine or something, real people post here, real people have REAL lives and real problems and real kids and real husbands and real jobs and so on and so forth, I dunno, I am just sick of being slammed or being called annoying because I am a real person.

What I am talking about is the select few who are complaining about everything around here, they know who they are.

I feel the off topic section is just that, off topic. I feel that we should be able to start a thread about whatever it is we want, be it health issues, pray for me issue or whatever. What certain people are complaining about is that they do not want to read that kind of stuff here and want a new subtopic created for stuff like that so they do not have to see it.(hence my statement) They feel a freebie/deal website should not be used for personal discussions and such. The reason they feel that way is beacuse they themselves are not personable people. I do not see a problem with being personal here. We are all one big disfunctional family. :tongue:
What I am talking about is the select few who are complaining about everything around here, they know who they are.

I feel the off topic section is just that, off topic. I feel that we should be able to start a thread about whatever it is we want, be it health issues, pray for me issue or whatever. What certain people are complaining about is that they do not want to read that kind of stuff here and want a new subtopic created for stuff like that so they do not have to see it.(hence my statement) They feel a freebie/deal website should not be used for personal discussions and such. The reason they feel that way is beacuse they themselves are not personable people. I do not see a problem with being personal here. We are all one big disfunctional family. :tongue:

Choo, I'm not sure which threads you're referring to. Just in case you are talking about the "New threads" thread I started, this wasn't what I was asking for at all.

I simply asked if some of the personal threads could be merged into the "odd comments" thread. I just thought it would keep the board more streamlined. I do in fact both 1) read the odd comments thread, and 2) I usually try to post something supportive when someone is talking about a personal or health issue they are facing, or I at least try to PM them. I don't mind reading about someone's problem and trying to offer some support; I'm not trying to squelch anyone's voice here.

Spoofee said no when I asked for the merging of threads, and I took his answer w/ good grace, I think. I haven't *once* complained about it in private or public. In fact, I saw the point he was making that "off-topic" was just that---off-topic. I'm sorry if my post started some of this trouble; that certainly was not my intention.

I don't speak for any other person on this board, nor do they speak for me. This is just my opinion.
Voicing an opinion about Choo in an open forum is uncalled for and could have been handled via a pm, not out in the open for all eyes to see.

My sincere apologies. Should not have called out anyone publicly on this.

Bringing back social groups is the worst thing that Spoofee can do. I mean, you did disable them after the groups were torn between sides. Do you honestly think that will change? Didn't think so.

Disabling it caused members to be unhappy. A poll showed members wanted it back. It's not a big deal as long as it's not invite only and social groups are open to all members. Members that don't want to do anything to do with it just don't have to. At least this is how I feel for now.

choochoojr said:
Why should we have to dance around certain "overly sensitive" people and be careful with what we say. I am not just talking about myself but for everyone here. If you do not like what you see or read, don't look at it.

Good suggestion. Let me take that suggestion up a notch. If someone is overly sensitive, just leave them be. Just ignore their post.
As for having sensitive members, annoying members, etc., we meet all sorts of people in our daily lives like that. I hate to compare police to moderators, but police is there so we are all at peace. Moderators should be similar in that we step in when members get violent (verbally in this case), posting porn, spamming, etc. to keep this place peaceful. Yes even with smelly/sensitive/annoying/etc. members

Baboo, can you PM me 1 or 2 threads you are talking. Sounds like I may be missing something.

boo hooo

OMG Online fury

Cue up: Sound of a racing car engine, squeal of tires (as the car races to run over the unsuspecting raccoon)

Next cue up: Sound of the pitter patter of raccoon feet (as noticing car bearing down upon him he does a "Fred Flintstone" to get out of the way)

Next cue: screeching tires, girly scream and thud!
Next cue: ---------------------------> LOL *Preco Laughing*
I keep thinking the day is gonna come when Spoofee decides "enough is enough" and closes the day care. :o