Saddam Hussein Caught


Silver Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Best Deal of Year Saddam Captured

CNN Link

He looks so different from the "guessed" Saddam pictures.

I know he didn't cooperate with the US and he was "evil," but I feel pity for him. His sons were killed and he just looks very tired.
I've been watching the coverage this morning. It seems to be a little weird how he wasn't heavily guarded and how he surrendered. Definitely cool to watch, and historic.
This belongs in off topic since it doesnt eprtain to spoofee whatso ever, but I wont move it cuz I dunno if the link on the main page will follow it :X

But yeah, he went without a fight. hopefully his followers see what a pussy he is and all lose hope as well :D
Protégé Ménacé said:
This belongs in off topic since it doesnt eprtain to spoofee whatso ever, but I wont move it cuz I dunno if the link on the main page will follow it :X

But yeah, he went without a fight. hopefully his followers see what a pussy he is and all lose hope as well :D

Spoofee is the one who posted this here, so I guess you need to TT him. I just merged RobG's post with the one Spoofee already posted.
Sorry guys, I did not notice I posted in the wrong topic :p . Thanks Choochoojr for merging the two threads. I was wondering what happened for a second.
Spoofee said:
Sorry guys, I did not notice I posted in the wrong topic :p . Thanks Choochoojr for merging the two threads. I was wondering what happened for a second.

Yeah sure your sorry, just don't let it happen again!! :D :D
Spoofee said:

I know he didn't cooperate with the US and he was "evil," but I feel pity for him. His sons were killed and he just looks very tired.

I have absolutely no comprehension of how you can possibly pity this man. Though we are all entitled to our opinions ... although he would have me killed for voicing mine.
he looks

He looks like some people I see at computer shows/ fleamarkets
Looks like Nick Nolte.

"9-11 "

No, that wasn't him, you have him confused with another guy. Bush wanted us to think it was him, but it was some guy in another country, Laden.

As a matter of fact, On 9-11, all 150 members of Ladens family in the USA were flown to Paris for protection. Those were the only planes in the air that day. Ironic eh?

"humm how many thousands of people has he killed?"

Probably alot but then don't you think it's ironic that Bush went to Iraq & killed hundreds of thousands of Iraq people searching for weapons he never found?
Since I stopped watching Fox News (dropped by my cable company) I feel alot more secure.
He got captured ?

jking lol no one should feel bad for this murder/killer/@$$ I hope he gets tortured