Samsung ML-2510 Monochrome Laser Printer for $39.98 Shipped After Rebate

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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Samsung ML-2510 Monochrome Laser Printer for $39.98 Shipped After Rebate has the ML-2510 Monochrome Laser Printer for a good price.

Item has a rating of 3/5 from 8 Amazon reviews.

Pricegrabber Price : $106 ~ $193 Shipped

1. Go to eBay and purchase a Staples $20 off $100 coupon ( Search "staples coupon 20 100" )
2. Staples Price : $119.98
3. Apply $20 off $100 coupon
4. Rebate Price : -$70.00 ( Exp : 10/27/07 )
Final Price : $39.98 Shipped After Rebate + Cost of Coupon(~$3)
Out of stock online.
Also note the toner is $81...
I bought one of these Thanksgiving last year (model was ML-2010, but essentially same unit). The "starter" toner cart just ran out two weeks ago. Even if I had thrown it out, rather than buy a new toner cartridge, 11 months of printing would have been worth the $40 cost after rebate.
I bought one of these Thanksgiving last year (model was ML-2010, but essentially same unit). The "starter" toner cart just ran out two weeks ago. Even if I had thrown it out, rather than buy a new toner cartridge, 11 months of printing would have been worth the $40 cost after rebate.

Very true. the starter toners are often only about 40% full and almost any toner for a laser is $100+ so that isnt terrible. But its out of stock at every zip I entered...
starter cartridges can be filled and re-used
Yep, that's exactly what I do for my ML-2010. I got two full refill kits on ebay for $10 on ebay, and I still have yet to use up finished the first refill kit yet.